Make money playing sports

14 Best Ways To Make Money from Pickleball, Fitness, Running & More

If you’re passionate about sports like pickleball, fitness, or running, you might be looking for ways to make money and turn that passion into profit. Luckily, there are plenty of opportunities to make money from the sports you love. In this article, I’ll share 14 ways to make money off your passion for sports and turn it into a lucrative side hustle or even a full-time career.

make money with the sports you love playing

Understanding the Sports Industry

As someone who loves sports, it’s important to understand the industry if you want to make money from it. The sports industry is vast and includes everything from professional leagues to amateur tournaments, fitness programs, and more. In this section, I’ll provide an overview of the industry and its different entities.

Sports Industry

The sports industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that includes everything from professional sports leagues to fitness programs. It’s a highly competitive industry that requires hard work, dedication, and perseverance. The industry is constantly evolving and changing, which means that you need to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments if you want to succeed.


make money playing pickleball, pickleball warmup at palmetto dunes hilton head island

Pickleball is one of the fastest-growing sports in the United States. According to the Sports and Fitness Industry Association, pickleball has been the fastest-growing sport in the US over the past two years. It’s now the official sport of the Senior Games and is played by millions of people worldwide.

If you’re interested in making money from pickleball, there are several ways to do so. You can offer coaching and instruction services to individuals or groups. Many people are interested in learning the sport or improving their skills, and they may be willing to pay for professional guidance. Coaches can easily make $50 an hour or more. You can also participate in professional pickleball tournaments and win prize money.



Running is another popular sport that offers many opportunities to make money. You can participate in marathons and other running events and win prize money. You can also offer coaching and instruction services to individuals or groups. Many people are interested in running and may be willing to pay for professional guidance.

Fitness Industry

fitness of women pulling a shoulder bar

The fitness industry is a multi-billion dollar industry that includes everything from gyms and fitness centers to personal training services and fitness equipment. If you’re interested in making money from the fitness industry, there are several ways to do so. You can offer personal training services to individuals or groups. You can also create and sell fitness programs and equipment.

Professional Pickleball Association (PPA)

The Professional Pickleball Association (PPA) is the governing body for professional pickleball. It organizes and oversees professional pickleball tournaments and events. If you’re interested in making money from professional pickleball, you can participate in PPA tournaments and win prize money. You can also offer coaching and instruction services to professional pickleball players.

Major League Pickleball (MLP)

Major League Pickleball (MLP) is a new professional pickleball league that offers opportunities for professional pickleball players to make money. The league is still in its early stages, but it’s expected to grow rapidly in the coming years. If you’re interested in making money from professional pickleball, keep an eye on MLP and its developments.

In conclusion, the sports industry offers many opportunities to make money. Whether you’re interested in pickleball, running, or the fitness industry, there are several ways to make money from your passion. It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the industry if you want to succeed.

Identifying Opportunities in the Sports Industry

As someone who loves sports like pickleball, fitness, and running, I know firsthand how expensive it can be to participate in these activities regularly. However, I’ve also discovered that there are many opportunities to make money within the sports industry.

1. Become a Certified Instructor

One way to make money from sports is by becoming a certified instructor. For example, if you’re an experienced pickleball player, you can become a certified pickleball instructor and offer lessons to beginners and intermediate players. You can charge an hourly rate for your services and even offer group lessons to increase your earnings.

2. Offer Coaching and Instruction

Another way to make money from sports is by offering coaching and instruction services. If you have expertise and skill in a particular sport, such as running or fitness, you can offer coaching services to individuals or groups. Many people are interested in learning the sport or improving their skills, and they may be willing to pay for professional guidance. Coaches can easily make $50 an hour or more.

3. Sell Gear And Equipment

One way to make money in the sports industry is by selling gear and equipment. For example, if you’re a pickleball player, you could start a business selling paddles and balls. Similarly, if you’re a runner, you could sell shoes and athletic wear. By focusing on a specific sport, you can become an expert in that area and offer high-quality gear that other athletes will want to buy.

An option is to set up an Amazon storefront or work with a family-owned sporting goods business and use them as your fulfillment partner.

4. Offer Nutrition Plans


Another opportunity in the sports industry is offering nutrition plans. Many athletes are looking for ways to improve their performance, and a nutrition plan can be a great way to do that. If you’re knowledgeable about nutrition and have experience working with athletes, you could offer customized plans that help them meet their goals.

If you’re passionate about a particular sport, you could also become a personal trainer or coach. This can be a great way to share your knowledge and help others improve their skills. You could work with individual clients or offer group classes at a gym or health club.

5. Rent Court Space

Finally, if you have access to tennis courts or outdoor spaces, you could rent them out to other athletes. This can be a great way to make money while also helping others enjoy their favorite sports.

If you have property or even a court in your backyard, this is an opportunity that can support court time and facilitate coaching and instruction.

How To Build A Pickleball Court At Home

Overall, there are many opportunities to make money within the sports industry, whether it’s through selling gear and equipment, offering nutrition plans, becoming a personal trainer or coach, or renting out tennis courts and outdoor spaces. By identifying these opportunities and taking advantage of them, you can turn your love of sports into a profitable business.

6. Making Money through Competitions

Competitions are a great way to make money from sports. Whether you’re a professional player or just a casual enthusiast, there are plenty of opportunities to earn some extra cash by participating in tournaments, leagues, and clubs. Here are some ways to make money through competitions:

  • Prize Money: Many competitions offer prize money to the winners. The amount of money varies depending on the competition, but it can range from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars. Some competitions also offer cash prizes to runners-up and other participants.
  • Sponsorship: If you’re a professional player, you can earn money through sponsorship deals. Companies are always looking for athletes to endorse their products, and if you have a large following or are particularly successful in your sport, you can command a high fee for your services.
  • Coaching: If you’re an experienced player, you can make money by coaching other players. Many competitions require coaches to be present during games, and you can charge a fee for your services. You can also offer private coaching sessions to individuals who want to improve their skills.
  • Refereeing: Referees are always in demand, and you can make money by officiating games. You’ll need to be knowledgeable about the rules of your sport and have good communication skills. Referees are usually paid per game, and the amount varies depending on the competition.
  • Volunteering: If you’re not interested in competing, you can still make money by volunteering at competitions. Many competitions require volunteers to help with tasks such as setting up equipment, selling merchandise, and providing first aid. You can earn some extra cash by offering your services as a volunteer.

Overall, competitions are a great way to make money from sports. Whether you’re a professional player or just a casual enthusiast, there are plenty of opportunities to earn some extra cash by participating in tournaments, leagues, and clubs. Just make sure to do your research and find competitions that are legitimate and offer fair compensation.

7. Start A Business in the Sports Industry

Another way to invest in sports is by starting a business in the sports industry. There are numerous business ideas in the sports industry, such as starting an online fitness business, creating a new sport, starting a ticketing platform business, starting a sports podcast, starting a sports betting website, starting a sporting goods store, becoming an online fitness coach, or starting a gym management software. These businesses can be profitable if executed correctly.

8. Monetizing Your Knowledge and Skills

As someone who loves sports, you likely have a wealth of knowledge and skills related to your favorite activities. Did you know that you can monetize these skills and turn your passion into a profitable business? Here are some ways to do just that:

  • Write a Book: If you have a lot of knowledge about a particular sport or activity, consider writing a book about it. You can self-publish on platforms like Amazon or work with a traditional publisher to get your book out there.
  • Create Instructional Videos or Games: People are always looking for ways to improve their skills in sports. If you have expertise in a particular area, consider creating instructional videos that people can purchase. You can sell these on your own website or platforms like Udemy. There is also the opportunity to create apps and games.
  • Offer Lessons or Training: Whether you’re a certified trainer or simply have a lot of experience in a particular sport, you can offer lessons or training to others. You can do this in person or online, and you can work with beginners or professional players.
  • Become a Coach: If you have a lot of experience in a particular sport, you can become a coach. This can be for a local team or for individuals looking to improve their skills. You can charge for your services and even create your own coaching business.
  • Create a Course: Similar to creating instructional videos, you can create an entire course around your knowledge and skills. You can sell this course on your own website or platforms like Teachable.
  • Write for Sports Blogs and Magazines: If you enjoy writing, consider writing for sports blogs and magazines. You can get paid for your writing and even become a regular contributor.
  • Offer Customized Meal Plans: Nutrition is a key component of sports performance. If you have expertise in this area, consider offering customized meal plans to athletes.
  • Sell Sports Equipment or Apparel: If you have a knack for business, consider selling sports equipment or apparel. You can do this online or even open your own brick-and-mortar store.
  • Offer Consulting Services: If you’re an expert in a particular area of sports, consider offering consulting services. You can help businesses or individuals improve their performance and charge for your expertise.

These are just a few ways to monetize your knowledge and skills related to sports. With a little creativity and effort, you can turn your passion into a profitable business.

9. Building a Personal Brand in Sports


As an athlete, building a personal brand is crucial to your success both on and off the field. A personal brand is how you present yourself to the public and how you differentiate yourself from other athletes. It’s important to establish a unique brand that represents your values, personality, and skills.

To create a strong personal brand, you need to develop effective marketing strategies. One way to do this is by creating a logo that represents your brand. A logo is a visual representation of your brand that can be used on merchandise, social media, and other marketing materials. It should be simple, memorable, and unique.

As a pro or professional player, you can learn from athletes like LeBron James, Anna Bright, Anna Leigh Waters, Ben Johns, and Tyson McGuffin, who have successfully built their personal brands. They have established themselves as leaders in their respective sports and have created a strong following of fans who support them both on and off the field.

To build your personal brand, you should focus on creating content that showcases your skills and personality. This can include photos, videos, and blog posts that highlight your training regimen, your accomplishments, and your personal life. You should also use social media to engage with your fans and build a community around your brand.

In conclusion, building a personal brand is essential for any athlete who wants to succeed in the sports industry. By developing effective marketing strategies, creating a memorable logo, and creating engaging content, you can establish yourself as a pro or professional player and build a strong following of fans who support you throughout your career.

10. Leveraging Sponsorships and Endorsements

As an athlete, leveraging sponsorships and endorsements can be a great way to make money from the sports you love. Companies are always looking for ways to promote their brand, and sponsoring athletes or events is a common way to do so. In return, athletes can receive financial compensation, free gear, or other perks.

Sponsorships are agreements between a company and an athlete, team, or event where the company provides financial support in exchange for exposure. This can include logos on uniforms, advertisements during events, or social media posts promoting the company’s products. Sponsorships can be a great way to earn money and gain exposure, but they often require a high level of performance or a large following to secure.

Endorsement deals are similar to sponsorships, but they focus more on promoting a specific product or brand. Athletes may receive payment for wearing a company’s shoes or clothing during competitions or for promoting a product on social media. Endorsement deals can be lucrative, but they often require a high level of fame or success to secure.

To leverage sponsorships and endorsements effectively, it’s important to build a strong personal brand. This can include creating a professional website, building a social media following, and networking with other athletes and industry professionals. It’s also important to have a clear understanding of your value as an athlete and to be able to articulate that value to potential sponsors.

When seeking out sponsorship or endorsement deals, it’s important to research the company and ensure that its values align with your own. It’s also important to negotiate the terms of the agreement to ensure that you are receiving fair compensation for your time and efforts.

Overall, leveraging sponsorships and endorsements can be a great way to make money from the sports you love. By building a strong personal brand, understanding your value as an athlete, and negotiating fair agreements, you can secure lucrative deals that benefit both you and the sponsoring company.

11. Exploiting the Online Platform

social media

As someone who loves sports like pickleball, fitness, and running, I’ve found that the online platform is a great way to make money. Whether you want to sell products, offer services, or simply share your knowledge, the Internet provides endless opportunities to monetize your passion.

Social Media

One of the most obvious ways to exploit the online platform is through social media. By building a following on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, you can leverage your audience to make money. Here are a few ways to do it:

  • Sponsored posts: Companies will pay you to post about their products or services on your social media accounts.
  • Affiliate marketing: You can earn a commission by promoting other people’s products on your social media accounts.
  • Coaching: If you’re an expert in your sport, you can offer coaching services through social media.

Community Platforms

Another way to make money from your love of sports is through community platforms. These are online communities where people come together to discuss a specific topic. Here are a few examples:

  • Reddit: There are countless subreddits dedicated to sports, fitness, and running. By becoming an active member of these communities, you can build a following and monetize your knowledge.
  • Discord: Discord is a chat app that’s popular among gamers, but it’s also used by sports enthusiasts. You can create your own Discord server and charge people to join.
  • Meetup: Meetup is a platform where people can organize events around common interests. You can create a meetup group for your sport and charge people to attend.

Marketplace Platforms

Marketplace platforms are another great way to make money from your love of sports. These are online platforms where you can sell products or services directly to customers. Here are a few examples:

  • Etsy: If you’re crafty, you can create sports-related products like t-shirts, hats, or jewelry and sell them on Etsy.
  • eBay: You can sell sports equipment, memorabilia, and other related items on eBay.
  • Amazon: If you’ve written a book about your sport, you can self-publish it on Amazon and earn royalties.

Overall, the online platform provides endless opportunities to make money from your love of sports. By leveraging social media, community platforms, and marketplace platforms, you can turn your passion into a profitable business.

12. Making Money through Fitness and Health Plans

As someone who loves fitness and health, I’ve found that there are many ways to make money in this industry. Whether you’re a personal trainer, nutritionist, or just someone who enjoys sharing your knowledge with others, there are plenty of opportunities to turn your passion into profit.

Fitness Plans

One of the most popular ways to make money in the fitness industry is by creating and selling fitness plans. This can include everything from workout plans to nutrition plans to meal plans. If you have expertise in a particular area, such as weightlifting or yoga, you can create a plan that caters to that niche and sell it online. There are many platforms available for selling digital products, such as Sellfy or Gumroad that make it easy to get started.

Personal Trainer

Another way to make money in the fitness industry is by becoming a personal trainer. This can be a great option if you enjoy working one-on-one with clients and have a passion for helping others reach their fitness goals. You can work at a gym or health club or even start your own business and work with clients on your own terms.

Open a Gym or Health Club

If you’re interested in starting your own gym or health club, there are many opportunities to make money in this space as well. You can offer a variety of services, such as group fitness classes, personal training, and nutrition coaching. By creating a welcoming and supportive environment, you can attract a loyal customer base and build a profitable business.

Offer Customized Nutrition Plans

Finally, if you have expertise in nutrition, there are many opportunities to make money by offering customized meal plans and nutrition coaching. This can be a great option if you have a degree in nutrition or have experience working with clients in this area. There are many online platforms available for offering nutrition coaching, such as Precision Nutrition or ProCoach, that make it easy to get started.

13. Running for Profit

I have always loved running, and it is amazing to know that I can make money from it. Here are some ways to turn your passion for running into profit:

  • Participate in Marathons and Races: Participating in marathons and races is a great way to make money from running. Many races offer cash prizes to the winners, and you can also earn money by promoting products and services through your running.
  • Become a Running Coach: If you have experience and expertise in running, you can become a running coach. You can offer coaching services to individuals or groups and charge a fee for your services. You can also create online courses and sell them to people who want to improve their running skills.
  • Become a Personal Trainer: As a personal trainer, you can help people achieve their fitness goals and make money from it. You can offer one-on-one training sessions or group training sessions and charge a fee for your services.
  • Start a Running Blog or Vlog: If you love writing or making videos, you can start a running blog or vlog. You can share your experiences, tips, and advice with your audience and monetize your content through ads, sponsorships, and affiliate marketing.
  • Sell Running Gear and Apparel: Running gear and apparel are in high demand, and you can make money by selling them. You can start an online store or sell your products through marketplaces like Amazon and eBay.
  • Create a Running App: If you have programming skills, you can create a running app and make money from it. You can charge a fee for your app or monetize it through ads and in-app purchases.
  • Join a Running Affiliate Program: Many companies offer affiliate programs for their running products. You can join these programs and earn a commission for every sale you make.
  • Write Running Articles: If you love writing, you can write articles about running and get paid for it. You can write for running magazines, blogs, and websites and earn money through freelance writing.
  • Become a Running Event Organizer: Running events like marathons and races require a lot of planning and organization. If you have event planning skills, you can become a running event organizer and make money from it.
  • Become a Running Photographer: Running events provide great opportunities for photographers to capture amazing shots. If you have photography skills, you can become a running photographer and sell your photos to participants and event organizers.

These are just a few ways to make money from running. With some creativity and hard work, you can turn your passion for running into profit.

14. Pickleball: A Unique Opportunity

As a pickleball enthusiast, I have discovered that there are numerous ways to turn my passion for the sport into a profitable venture. Pickleball is America’s fastest-growing sport, with over 4.8 million players in the US alone, according to the Sports & Fitness Industry Association’s 2022 Topline Participation report [1]. This presents a unique opportunity for anyone looking to make money from a sport they love.


One of the most popular ways to make money from pickleball is by teaching the sport. If you are a 3.5+ player, you have the skills and knowledge to teach newcomers how to play the game. You can reserve courts, know the rules, and have a reasonable amount of emotional intelligence, which is essential for teaching effectively. You can offer private or group lessons, either in-person or online, and charge a reasonable fee for my services.

Organize Tournaments and Events

Another way to make money from pickleball is by organizing tournaments and events. can host pickleball tournaments or events in my area, which can attract players from other regions. You can charge an entry fee, sell merchandise, and offer sponsorship opportunities to local businesses. This requires a lot of planning and coordination, but it can be a lucrative venture.

Sell Pickleball Gear

Additionally, you can sell pickleball equipment such as paddles, balls, nets, and other accessories. Selkirk is a popular brand that produces high-quality pickleball paddles that are in high demand. You can also become a distributor for Selkirk or other reputable brands and sell their products online or in a physical store.

Play Professionally

Finally, you can also become a professional pickleball player and participate in tournaments to win prize money. The average earnings for a professional pickleball player is $50,000, with many of the top tier early well over $125,000+ per year. This number doesn’t include sponsorship deals.

In conclusion, pickleball presents a unique opportunity for anyone looking to make money from a sport they love. Whether it’s teaching, organizing tournaments, building facilities, selling equipment, or becoming a professional player, there are numerous ways to turn your passion for pickleball into a profitable venture.


In conclusion, there are many ways to make money from the sports you love, whether it’s pickleball, fitness, running, or any other sport. By combining your passion with your entrepreneurial spirit, you can turn your hobby into a profitable business.

Some of the best ways to make money from sports include teaching, coaching, organizing events, creating content, and selling products. These opportunities allow you to share your knowledge and expertise with others while also earning a living.

It’s important to remember that making money from sports requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to learn. You may need to invest time and money into your business before you start seeing a return on your investment. However, with persistence and determination, you can build a successful career in the sports industry.

So, if you’re passionate about sports and want to turn your hobby into a business, don’t be afraid to take the leap. With the right mindset and strategies, you can achieve your goals and make a living doing what you love.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some ways to monetize your passion for pickleball?

If you have a passion for pickleball, there are several ways to monetize it. You can offer coaching and instruction services, sell pickleball equipment, or organize tournaments.

Coaching and instruction services can be offered to individuals or groups, and coaches can charge an hourly rate of $50 or more. Selling pickleball equipment can be done online or through a physical store, and it can be a profitable business. Organizing tournaments can also be a lucrative venture, as players pay entry fees to participate.

How do people make money from fitness and running?

Fitness and running are popular activities, and there are several ways to make money from them. Personal trainers can offer one-on-one training sessions or group classes, and they can charge an hourly rate or a package rate.

Running coaches can offer training plans and coaching services to runners, and they can charge a fee for their services. Fitness and running influencers can also make money through sponsorships, affiliate marketing, and advertising.

What are some profitable business ideas related to pickleball?

There are several profitable business ideas related to pickleball. Some examples include selling pickleball equipment, offering pickleball lessons and coaching services, organizing tournaments and events, and starting a pickleball league. Other ideas include creating a pickleball clothing line or starting a pickleball-related blog or podcast.

Is it possible to make a living from playing pickleball professionally?

While it is possible to make a living from playing pickleball professionally, it is not easy. Professional pickleball players can earn money from tournament winnings, sponsorships, and coaching services.

However, the prize money in pickleball tournaments is not as high as in other sports, and there are fewer opportunities for sponsorships. It is getting better, though. Recently the major networks bought the rights to air the professional tournaments, and the prize money is rapidly increasing. The MLP (Major League Pickleball) Tournament prize money was $5 million this year.

How can you make $2000 a month from Pickleball?

Combining these income sources could potentially yield a total of $2,000 per month:

  • Coaching/Personal Training: $1,600
  • Online Tutorials: $2,000
  • Fitness Blog/YouTube: $200
  • Selling Merchandise: $100
  • Sports Equipment Reviews: $300
  • Photography/Videography: $300
  • Fitness App: $500
  • Fitness Writing: $100
  • Social Media Influencing: $200
  • Sports Commentator: $200

How does one start a successful sports-related business?

To start a successful sports-related business, you need to have a solid business plan, a clear understanding of your target market, and a passion for the sport. You should research the industry and competition and identify a unique selling proposition. You also need to have a plan for funding and marketing your business. It’s important to build a strong brand and establish a loyal customer base.

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