
We are About Sports, Travel & Staying Active

The inflection point for founding SportyEscapade was when I realized just how much an active lifestyle has made a difference in my life. Through sports and travel, we are constantly on the move. While we still enjoy all the sports and activities that we have done throughout our lives, there have been significant changes in equipment, gear tech, apps, communications, and clothing, that have made a real impact.

So what sports do we love doing? Boating, fishing, running, hiking, skiing (downhill and cross-country), cycling (road and mountain), and yes, our new passion, pickleball! We also train both indoors and outdoors for our trips. I must admit, I am somewhat of a gym rat myself. So I really believe in staying strong.

We absolutely love the outdoors and all it has to offer. We have enjoyed the ability to do the things we love through travel both in the US and abroad.

We have lived abroad for 10 years in Europe and Asia and further developed our love of outdoor activities. Some memorable times were spent on the islands around Hong Kong, in Austria and Switzerland, and throughout Germany and France. Hiking, both in nature and urban hiking.

We truly believe that staying active is the fountain of youth. It keeps our brains sharp, our moods bright, and our bodies strong. So, let’s get moving!

Affiliate Disclosure

You won’t see a lot of ads on the website. This is on purpose as remain focused on providing you with the best experience. We believe in authenticity and take this very seriously.

We cover what we want without outside influences. While much of our revenue comes from affiliate links, we never take any compensation directly from manufacturers for reviews. We belong to multiple Affiliate programs. Why? So we can provide you with options.

Our primary Affiliate Programs are Amazon, Just Paddles, and Plant Fusion, but we also work with several other platforms. What does this mean for you? This doesn’t cost you anything and helps us with the costs we incur for our product testing. This way, we have complete freedom to provide our readers with a true assessment of the products and services we review.

I do promote Plant Fusion. I use the products myself, both the supplements and protein powders. I especially recommend their calcium supplements for bone health. They use algae-based calcium, which has been clinically proven to strengthen bones. A more affordable option than Algae-Cal. The products are excellent.

Join us!

Lisa Klein, Founder